"use strict"; (function ($) { "use strict"; preloader(); loadElementorInit(); effectBackForward(); async function reloadAjax($off, $el = $(document)) { dsnGrid.initTheme(); if (!$off) { window.$effectScroll = await effectScroller(); window.$animate = await dsnGrid.effectAnimate(); } await $('.hidden[data-dsn="bg_section"]').each(function () { $(this).next().append($(this)); $(this).css({ zIndex: -1 }); $(this).removeClass('hidden'); }); await $effectScroll.start(); await $animate.allInt(); await loadLazyImage($el, ['bg', 'src']); await sliderPortfolio(); await fancyBox(); await justifiedGallery($el); await compareTowImage(); await serviceSection($el); await scrollBarWidth(); await menuInit(); await dropHash(); await initMap($el); await accordion($el); await projectSlider(); await Headline($el); await tabs($el); if (!$off) await Isotope($el);else setTimeout(Isotope, 500); if (!$body.hasClass('elementor-editor-active')) dsnAjax() && (await dsnAjax().start()); await list_project($el); await inputNumber($el); 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const hasSc = !$body.hasClass("dsn-effect-scroll") || dsnGrid.isMobile() || myScrollbar === null; if (hasSc && $print) { $body.addClass("dsn-mobile"); } return !hasSc; }, contactForm: function () { const form = $('.contact-modal .contact-container'); if (form.length) Scrollbar.init(form.get(0), { damping: dsnParam.scrollbar.speed }); }, woocommerceList: function () { const form = $('#dsn_cart .woocommerce ul.cart_list, #dsn_cart .woocommerce ul.product_list_widget'); if (form.length) Scrollbar.init(form.get(0), { damping: dsnParam.scrollbar.speed }); }, sidebarScroll: function () { const comment = document.querySelector(".dsn-sidebar .sidebar-single"); if (comment !== null) Scrollbar.init(comment, { damping: dsnParam.scrollbar.speed || 0.05 }); }, createScroll: function ($target) { if ($target !== null) Scrollbar.init($target, { damping: dsnParam.scrollbar.speed || 0.05 }); }, /** * Init Smooth ScrollBar */ start: function () { $body.removeClass(locked_scroll); dsnGrid.scrollTop(0, { duration: 0.01 }); 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Fancybox.bind("[data-fancybox]"); Fancybox.bind(".woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper .woocommerce-product-gallery__image a"); dsnGrid.killAjax(function () { Fancybox.unbind(".vid"); Fancybox.unbind("[data-fancybox]"); }); } /** * * @param $el */ function projectSlider($el = $(document)) { const relationAnotherSlider = function () { const syn = $(this).parent().find(dsnGrid.getData(this, "controllers")); if (!syn.length) return; this.optionSwiper['thumbs'] = { swiper: { el: syn.find('.swiper-container').get(0), allowTouchMove: false, slidesPerView: 1, speed: option.speed || 1000, parallax: true, autoHeight: true } }; this.optionSwiper.breakpoints['768'] = { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 0 }; }; const swiper = function (option) { delete this.optionSwiper; const swiper = new Swiper(this.querySelector(".swiper-container"), option); dsnGrid.killAjax(function () { swiper.destroy(); }); }; $el.find(".dsn-swiper:not(.dsn-swiper-initialized)").each(function () { this.classList.add('dsn-swiper-initialized'); this.optionSwiper = dsnGrid.getData(this, 'option'); this.optionSwiper.breakpoints['0'] = { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 0 }; const getNavigation = ($targetEl, $targetCustom) => { const custom = this.querySelector('.dsn-arrow-custom'); if (!custom) return this.querySelector($targetEl); return $('.dsn-nav-arrow[data-dsn-id="' + custom.getAttribute('data-dsn-id') + '"]').find($targetCustom).get(0); }; relationAnotherSlider.bind(this)(); swiper.bind(this)($.extend(true, { speed: 1000, lazy: true, pagination: { el: this.querySelector('.swiper-pagination'), clickable: true, dynamicBullets: true, type: dsnGrid.getData(this.querySelector('.swiper-pagination'), 'type', 'bullets') }, navigation: { nextEl: getNavigation('.swiper-next ,.next-container', '.dsn-nav-right'), prevEl: getNavigation('.swiper-prev , .prev-container', '.dsn-nav-left') }, on: { init() { this.touchEventsData.formElements = "*"; }, touchStart() { gsap.to($(this.$el).find('.swiper-slide'), { scale: 0.95, ease: "none", duration: 0.5 }); }, touchEnd() { gsap.to($(this.$el).find('.swiper-slide'), { scale: 1, ease: "none", duration: 0.5 }); } } }, this.optionSwiper)); }); } /** * * - Create an high quality justified gallery * of image * */ function justifiedGallery($el = $(document)) { $el.find(".gallery-portfolio").each(function () { if (!window.fjGallery) return; const option = dsnGrid.getData(this, 'option') || {}; const gallery = fjGallery(this, { ...option, itemSelector: '.fj-gallery-item', onJustify: function () { ScrollTrigger.refresh(); } }); dsnGrid.killAjax(function () { fjGallery(gallery, 'destroy'); }); }); } function sliderPortfolio($el = $(document)) { let tl = gsap.timeline(); const initSlider = async function () { await this.querySelectorAll('.dsn-slider-content .slide-content [data-dsn-split=\"chars\"]').forEach(function ($item) { dsnGrid.spltting.Char($item, true); }); await this.querySelectorAll('.dsn-slider-content .head-meta').forEach(function ($item) { dsnGrid.spltting.Items($item, "span"); }); }; const init = swiper => { swiper.slides.forEach(item => { const video = item.querySelector('.swiper-slide:not(.swiper-slide-active) video'); if (video) video.pause(); }); }; const activeVideo = swiper => { const newVideo = swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex].querySelector('video'); const oldVideo = swiper.slides[swiper.previousIndex].querySelector('video'); if (newVideo) newVideo.play(); if (oldVideo) oldVideo.pause(); }; const getContent = (swiper, contentRef) => { const oldNum = swiper.slides[swiper.previousIndex].getAttribute("data-dsn-id"); const newNum = swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex].getAttribute("data-dsn-id"); return [newNum, oldNum, contentRef.querySelector('[data-dsn-id="' + newNum + '"]'), contentRef.querySelector('[data-dsn-id="' + oldNum + '"]')]; }; function slideChange(swiper) { const contentSlider = this.querySelector('.dsn-slider-content'); if (!contentSlider) return; activeVideo(swiper); const [newNum, oldNum, newContent, oldContent] = getContent(swiper, contentSlider), [newTitle, oldTitle] = [Array.from(newContent.querySelectorAll('.title .char') || []), Array.from(oldContent.querySelectorAll('.title .char') || [])], $isRight = oldNum < newNum, animate = { show: { autoAlpha: 1, y: 0, stagger: { amount: 0.3, from: "center" }, ease: "back.out(4)", rotation: 0, scale: 1, yoyo: true }, hide: { autoAlpha: 0, y: !$isRight ? "25%" : "-25%", stagger: { amount: 0.3, from: "center" }, ease: "back.in(4)", yoyo: true, rotation: 8, scale: 1.1 } }; const current = Number.parseInt(newNum, 10) + 1, num = this.querySelector(".slider-current-index"); if (num) num.innerHTML = current > 9 ? current : '0' + current; if (swiper.dsnOnChange) swiper.dsnOnChange(newNum, oldNum, newContent, oldContent); tl.progress(1); tl = new gsap.timeline(); oldContent.classList.remove("dsn-active-animate"); tl.fromTo(oldTitle, 0.4, animate.show, animate.hide).call(function () { oldContent.classList.remove("dsn-active"); newContent.classList.add("dsn-active"); newContent.classList.add("dsn-active-animate"); }).fromTo(newTitle, 0.8, animate.hide, animate.show, "-=.005"); } const swiper = function () { const option = Object.assign({}, { on: { init, slideChange: slideChange.bind(this) } }, dsnGrid.getData(this, 'option') || {}, { autoHeight: false }); if (window.innerWidth > 767) option.pagination = { el: this.querySelector('.swiper-pagination'), clickable: true, dynamicBullets: true, dynamicMainBullets: 1, type: 'bullets' }; return new Swiper(this.querySelector(".content-slider .swiper-container"), option); }; const NavSwiper = function (container, swiper) { var _swiper$passedParams2, _swiper$passedParams3; const navContainer = container.querySelector('.next-paginate'); setTimeout(function () { gsap.to($(container).find('.bg-container'), { opacity: 1 }); }, 3000); if (!navContainer) return false; if (window.innerWidth > 575) { navContainer.querySelectorAll('h6.sm-title-block').forEach($item => { const s = dsnGrid.spltting.Char($item); s.chars.forEach(($item, $index) => { $index = $index + 5; $item.setAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-y', `${$index * 9}%`); $item.setAttribute(`data-swiper-parallax-opacity`, '0'); $item.setAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-duration', $index * 100); $item.classList.add('swiper-parallax-transform'); if (s.chars.length === $index - 4) { const arrow = s.el.closest('.box-content').querySelector('.next-arrow'); arrow.setAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-y', `${$index * 3}%`); arrow.setAttribute(`data-swiper-parallax-opacity`, '0'); arrow.setAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-duration', $index * 100); arrow.classList.add('swiper-parallax-transform'); } }); }); } const navSlider = new Swiper(navContainer, { speed: ((_swiper$passedParams2 = swiper.passedParams) === null || _swiper$passedParams2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _swiper$passedParams2.speed) || 1000, loop: ((_swiper$passedParams3 = swiper.passedParams) === null || _swiper$passedParams3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _swiper$passedParams3.loop) || false, touchRatio: 0.2, resistanceRatio: 0.65, effect: 'fade', parallax: true, allowTouchMove: false }); swiper.thumbs.swiper = navSlider; setTimeout(function () { navContainer.classList.remove('d-none'); }, 3000); return navSlider; }; const NavSwiperPrev = function (container, swiper, nav) { var _swiper$passedParams4, _swiper$passedParams5; const navContainer = container.querySelector('.prev-paginate'); setTimeout(function () { gsap.to($(container).find('.bg-container'), { opacity: 1 }); }, 3000); if (!navContainer) return false; if (window.innerWidth > 575) { navContainer.querySelectorAll('h6.sm-title-block').forEach($item => { const s = dsnGrid.spltting.Char($item); s.chars.forEach(($item, $index) => { if ($index === 0) { $index = $index + 4; const arrow = s.el.closest('.box-content').querySelector('.prev-arrow'); arrow.setAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-y', `${$index * 3}%`); arrow.setAttribute(`data-swiper-parallax-opacity`, '0'); arrow.classList.add('swiper-parallax-transform'); $index = 0; } $index = $index + 5; $item.setAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-y', `${$index * 9}%`); $item.setAttribute(`data-swiper-parallax-opacity`, '0'); $item.setAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-duration', $index * 100); $item.classList.add('swiper-parallax-transform'); }); }); } const navSlider = new Swiper(navContainer, { speed: ((_swiper$passedParams4 = swiper.passedParams) === null || _swiper$passedParams4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _swiper$passedParams4.speed) || 1000, loop: ((_swiper$passedParams5 = swiper.passedParams) === null || _swiper$passedParams5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _swiper$passedParams5.loop) || false, touchRatio: 0.2, resistanceRatio: 0.65, effect: 'fade', parallax: true, allowTouchMove: false }); nav.thumbs.swiper = navSlider; setTimeout(function () { navContainer.classList.remove('d-none'); }, 3000); return navSlider; }; const webGelOption = function () { const images = []; $(this).find(".bg-container .slide-item").each(function () { const slide_content = $(this).find('.image-bg'), id = $(this).data('dsn-id'); if (slide_content.find('video').length) { images[id] = { posters: slide_content.find('video').get(0), src: slide_content.find('video').attr("data-dsn-poster"), overlay: slide_content.data("overlay") }; } else { const img = slide_content.find('img'); const srcImg = img.data('dsn-src'); images[id] = { src: srcImg !== null && srcImg !== void 0 ? srcImg : img.attr("src"), overlay: slide_content.data("overlay") }; } }); if (images.length) $(this).find(".bg-container").attr("data-overlay", images[0].overlay); return images; }; $el.find(".main-slider:not(.dsn-swiper-initialized)").each(function () { this.classList.add('dsn-swiper-initialized'); initSlider.bind(this)().then(swiper.bind(this)).then(function (swiper) { const handleNext = function () { if (tl.isActive()) return; if (swiper.slides.length === swiper.activeIndex + 1 && !swiper.passedParams.loop) { swiper.slideTo(0); } else { swiper.slideNext(); } }, handlePrev = function () { if (tl.isActive()) return; if (swiper.activeIndex === 0 && !swiper.passedParams.loop) { swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length); } else { swiper.slidePrev(); } }, nextArrow = $(this).find('.next-arrow'), prevArrow = $(this).find('.prev-arrow'); if (nextArrow.length) nextArrow.on('click', handleNext); if (prevArrow.length) prevArrow.on('click', handlePrev); const nav = NavSwiper(this, swiper); const navPrev = NavSwiperPrev(this, swiper, nav); let webGel = null; if (this.classList.contains('dsn-webgl')) webGel = dsnGrid.WebGLDistortionHoverEffects({ imgs: webGelOption.bind(this)(), ...(dsnGrid.getData(this, 'webgl', {}) || {}), direction: swiper.params.direction, parent: this.querySelector('.bg-container'), swiper, onStart({ parent, item }) { parent.setAttribute('data-overlay', item.overlay); } }); dsnGrid.killAjax(function () { if (nextArrow.length) nextArrow.off('click', handleNext); if (prevArrow.length) prevArrow.off('click', handlePrev); tl.kill(); swiper.destroy(); webGel.destroy(); if (nav) nav.destroy(); if (navPrev) navPrev.destroy(); }); }.bind(this)); }); } function loadElementorInit() { $wind.on("elementor/frontend/init", function () { if (typeof elementor !== "undefined") { elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction("frontend/element_ready/global", function ($element) { let hdev = $element.find('.hdev-element-wrap'); let next_el = hdev.next(); if (hdev.hasClass('has-animate-text')) { next_el.attr('data-dsn-animate', 'section'); } // elementor.settings?.page.getSettings().settings reloadElement(true, $element); }); } }); } function mouseCirMove($off) { const $element = $("#dsn_cursor"), inner = $("#dsn_cursor_inner"); if (!$element.length || dsnGrid.isMobile() || !$body.hasClass("dsn-cursor-effect")) return; const mouseStop = 'dsn-stop-cursor'; if (!$off) { dsnGrid.mouseMove($element, { speed: dsnParam.cursor.speed, mouseStop, inner: { el: inner, speed: dsnParam.cursor.speedInner } }); } const defaultEl = $element.css(['opacity', 'width', 'height', 'borderColor', 'background']), { stop, run } = { stop: () => $body.addClass(mouseStop), run: () => $body.removeClass(mouseStop) }; dsnGrid.mouseHover("a:not(> img):not(.vid) , .dsn-button-sidebar, button , .button-load-more , [data-cursor=\"open\"]", { enter: () => gsap.to($element, 0.5, { width: 70, height: 70, opacity: 0.5, backgroundColor: defaultEl.borderColor }), leave: () => gsap.to($element, 0.5, { ...defaultEl }) }); dsnGrid.mouseHover(".c-hidden , .social-side a , .next-arrow , .prev-arrow , .dsn-btn.vid", { enter() { stop(); const { x, y, width, height } = this.getBoundingClientRect(); gsap.to($element, 0.5, { width, height, opacity: 0, x, y, xPercent: 0, yPercent: 0 }); gsap.to(inner, 0.1, { opacity: 0 }); }, leave() { run(); gsap.to($element, 0.5, { ...defaultEl, xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50 }); gsap.to(inner, 0.1, { opacity: 1 }); } }); } changeStyle(); /** * Option Style Pages */ function changeStyle() { const options = $('#dsn_box_options'); options.on('click', function () { const isDark = $body.hasClass('v-dark'), _dark = $('.v-dark'), _light = $('.v-light'); $body.toggleClass('v-dark'); _dark.removeClass('v-dark').addClass('v-light'); _light.addClass('v-dark').removeClass('v-light'); $.ajax({ url: dsnParam.ajaxStyle, type: "post", data: { color: isDark ? 'v-light' : 'v-dark', style: "off" } }); }); } function list_project($el = $(document)) { function changeState(_active, _remove, $product) { if (_active.hasClass('active')) return false; _active.addClass('active'); _remove.removeClass('active'); $product.fadeOut(300, function () { jQuery(this).toggleClass("list").fadeIn(300); }); return false; } $el.find('.woocommerce').each(($index, $item) => { const $grid = $($item).find('.dsn_grid'); const $list = $($item).find('.dsn_list'); if (!$grid.length) return; const $product = $($item).find('ul.dsn-shop'); $grid.on('click', function () { return changeState($grid, $list, $product); }); $list.on('click', function () { return changeState($list, $grid, $product); }); dsnGrid.killAjax(() => { $grid.off('click'); $list.off('click'); }); }); } function inputNumber($el = $(document)) { $el.find('.quantity').each(function () { const $this = $(this), input = $this.find('input[type="number"]'), btnUp = $this.find('.quantity-up'), btnDown = $this.find('.quantity-down'), min = input.attr('min') || 1, max = input.attr('max') || Number.MAX_VALUE; btnUp.off('click'); btnUp.on('click', ChangeValue.bind(this, true)); btnDown.off('click'); btnDown.on('click', ChangeValue.bind(this, false)); function ChangeValue(_is_plus) { const oldValue = parseFloat(input.val()); let newVal = 0; if (_is_plus) { if (oldValue >= max) { newVal = oldValue; } else { newVal = oldValue + 1; } } else { if (oldValue <= min) { newVal = oldValue; } else { newVal = oldValue - 1; } } input.val(newVal); input.trigger("change"); } }); } })(jQuery); function sidebarOptions() { document.body.classList.toggle('dsn-show-sidebar'); } //# sourceMappingURL=custom.js.map